Plastic #1 (PET)


Plastic #1 is Polyethylene Terephthalate and is recyclable. Common items include bottles, clamshells, cold drink cups, empty cleaning containers, and peanut butter jars.

Prep Plastic #1 for Recycling:

  • Empty all contents from bottles or clamshells.
  • Plastic caps can stay on the bottle.
  • Do NOT flatten or crush bottles.
  • Do not remove labels if they have California Redemption Value (CRV) refund.

Athens Services recycles plastics #1 PET bottles and clamshells#2 HDPE, and #5 PP

To identify your products’ plastic type, look for the resin number inside the chasing arrows, usually located on the bottom of the item. The recycling symbol does not indicate if the product is recyclable or not.

Not Safe to Reuse

PET plastic has a porous structure that absorbs bacteria over time and becomes more porous with each use. Because germs can reside inside the plastic, you can’t always wash them away.


Avoid Heating Plastic

Keep plastics containing food or drink out of the microwave, dishwasher and other hot places, like your car. The warmer plastic gets, the more it tends to break down, melt and release chemicals.

Not Infinitely Recyclable

Plastic isn’t infinitely recyclable in the same way that glass and metal are. Its quality declines each time it’s recycled, so new plastic needs to be added in order to keep recycling it.

Ways to Reduce

Reusable Water Bottle

Opt for Reusable Containers

Most plastic is made directly from oil and natural gas, not recycled plastic. When plastic does get recycled, it is often into products that are no longer recyclable. Metal and glass, which are durable and can be recycled infinitely, are always a better container choice.

tap water faucet

Drink Filtered Tap Water

Disposable water bottles are made of plastic #1 and can be avoided by drinking filtered tap water instead. Most bottled water comes from the tap in the first place, and taste tests in cities such as New York have favored tap over bottled water.

Did You Know?

Bottled Water: Is It the Same as Tap?

Most bottled water is simply filtered tap water, and it can cost more than twice as much as what’s available from the tap.

Largest Plastic Bottle Recycling Plant

The Atlantic details the violent afterlife of plastic bottles. Plastic from these bottles lives as long as 500 years after you toss them. Read more about what happens to the bottles during that time, and why not enough bottles are making it into the recycling system at all.