
Alternative ways to recycle

Consider Donation
If the cookware is still usable, please donate. Visit Athens’ Material Reuse page for ideas.

All types of pots and pans are accepted in your recycling bin including Teflon and pans with plastic or wooden handles, if the majority of the item consists of metal.

Alternative Ways to Recycle


Calphalon ReNew Program

If you purchase Calphalon brand cookware, you can return used cookware for the company to recycle. Box up your pots and pans and mail them to this address:
20750 Midstar Drive
Bowling Green, OH 43402

Ways to Reduce


Worth the Investment

One great way to reduce is to purchase multipurpose cookware and buy high-quality items that will last. Cast iron cookware is the greenest choice because it can be used on the stove or in the oven, reducing the number of pieces you need to buy. If cast iron is cared for correctly, it can last a lifetime.