Milk & Juice Cartons


Milk & juice cartons are categorized as aseptic containers. Athens has identified specialized recycling markets for these mixed-content products. Although not 100% paper, recyclers are interested in the long grain paper fibers within the product. However, recycling options are limited for aseptic containers. For a more recyclable option, consider containers made from #1 or #2 plastic. 

Prep for Recycling

  • Empty all liquid from bottles.
  • Caps can stay on. (This helps prevent any residuals from leaking.)
Carton Cap

Screw-On Caps Are OK

It’s OK to leave the screw-on cap on the container when you’re recycling it.

Ways to Reuse

Carton Craft Projects

Empty cartons can be used for a lot of fun craft projects. Check out these ideas from DIY to Try.