The organics container is primarily for the collection of acceptable yard waste.
Depending on your city, food scraps and food-soiled paper products may also be accepted. 

Note: “Organics” does not mean organically grown. It refers to items that come from the remains of organisms, such as plants and animals. 

Bags for collecting food scraps: Liners/bags are optional. For at home kitchen collection, consider using a kitchen pail lined with newspaper or a paper bag. Click here for single-family home and multifamily residential best practices. Plastic and bioplastic “compostable” bags are accepted in the organics container, but they must be CLEAR or translucent-green, and contents inside the bag must be visible. Although we “accept” these bags, they will be ripped open to liberate the contents, and will not be recycled or composted (no matter the material type or certification).  Although clear, Ziploc bags are not allowed for collecting food scraps as they are difficult to rip open at the compost facility. No other bioplastics are allowed in the Organics Container.

Does my city accept food scraps and food-soiled paper in the organics container?
– Commercial Accounts: Athens can provide food scrap collection for most business accounts. Check your city for verification. 
– Residential Accounts: Not all cities have added food scrap collection to their services. Check your city for verification. 
– If your city does not accept food scraps and food soiled paper in the organics container, please place these items in the trash container. 

*Food-soiled paper must be: 100% plant-fiber based with no coating, liner, filler, or laminate made from petroleum plastic, wax, or bio-plastic (including PLA & PHA). Paper must be soiled ONLY with food or drink liquids. 

Did you know? California Senate Bill 1383 requires all cities to provide food scrap recycling options for commercial and residential accounts. Athens is working closely with our city partners to ensure this service is available to all in the near future.
